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1. Basic Information
What is the main purpose of your website? * —Please choose an option—Personal BlogBusiness WebsiteOnline StorePortfolioOther
What do you want visitors to do on your site? * —Please choose an option—Read contentContact meBuy products/servicesSign up for a newsletter
2. Design & Features
How tailored do you want your website’s design to be? * —Please choose an option—I want a fully customized design but based on a predefined structureI need a completely unique design built from scratch
What features do you need? * (Select multiple options) Contact formBlog or news sectionOnline storeImage galleryAppointment booking
3. Domain & Hosting
Do you already have a domain name? * —Please choose an option—Yes (please provide below)No, I need help choosing one
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Do you already have web hosting? * —Please choose an option—YesNo, I need recommendations
4. Content & SEO
Will you provide your own content? * —Please choose an option—Yes, I will write it myselfNo, I need help with writing and images
How do you want people to find your website? * —Please choose an option—Google SearchSocial MediaPaid Ads
5. Maintenance & Launch
How often will you update your website? * —Please choose an option—Rarely (static site)Regularly (new content often)
How soon do you need your website live? * —Please choose an option—Urgently (within a week)Soon (within a month)No rush (I’m still planning)